Tuesday, March 20, 2007

hoop 'n stick: back with a vengeance

bad news blogrades. as i was enthusiastically running laps around the sleeping quarters with my brand new hoop 'n stick I managed to tangle my leg up in the hoop of the hoop 'n stick and, in a fit of arrogance and unaware of my dangerously entwined appendage, started to grapevine toward the galley, resulting in the fracture of my tibia. the captain started making 'told you so' faces at me and i got pissed so i told everyone how he had a wet dream in the hypersleep chamber. so he started crying and i told him i was sorry then i took it back because he wasnt thankful enough for the apology. wow this day got bad fats. fast. ha ha that comical mispelling just made it a little better.


Xrc said...

So does your hoop 'n stick have one of those nifty counters to keep track of how many times you hoop it? Maybe you could use your on-board computer to make a schematic of one to build, if you don't already have one in the works.

Anonymous said...

Keep me posted.


Anonymous said...

Don't FORGET ilovebees.com

Sierra Needle said...

please ignore the previous two comments. in the same way that the price of celebrity is paparazzi, the price of blogosphere notoriety is spam. i accept the consequence of my fame and international renown.

Anonymous said...

I thought I had found a friend who knew what it was [[##37690^^2]] like. You have forsaken me, Sierra. That is not spam. That was yo[[ffGHGTS312&]]ur chance to escape. ILoveBees.com for options.

Jarvis McWeiners said...


Sierra Needle said...

margaret, you talk like my long lost sister tammy. tammy, i thought i lost you to a bear at mammoth cave national park. i had a dream once, three years ago, that you survived the attack, significantly maimed with scars covering ninety percent of your torso, and moved to topeka to escape the memory of your sister who abandoned you when you needed her most, who first laughed, then said 'that's awkward,' then walked away whistling innocently. TAMMY??? IS THAT YOU???

Xrc said...

All, I have to say is that this is verrry interesting. Use the cloaking device!

Anonymous said...

I haven't been called that name in a long time.

I came to your blog with a purpose. I am not spam. I am not an advertisement.

The answer can be found here, using the number of the name Sophie.



Anonymous said...

